Nakamura Gakuen University

Nakamura Gakuen University


Junior College

Junior College
Division of Food and Nutrition

Boasting traditions and achievements among the highest in Japan, the Division of Food and Nutrition trains dietitians who are equipped with assured confidence and practical ability in the area of food.


1Trains dietitians skilled in food preparation through experience with extensive cooking practice using fully-equipped facilities

Students are able to practice at the University and other facilities specialized in cooking, including our sister school, Nakamura Culinary School.
Ten subjects are offered as practical work classes. From basic to applied cooking, students learn to prepare over 200 types of dishes over the course of two years.

2Listen to the real voices of dietitians active in varied fields in the “Dietitian Basics Lecture”

Through lectures by dietitian graduates of the University, students deepen their understanding of the work of dietitians as specialists in human health and life.

3Transfers to the Department of Nutritional Sciences are possible and supported by a backup system

The Department of Nutritional Sciences has a maximum 3rd-year transfer capacity of 20 students, with over 10 students per year transferring from the Division of Food and Nutrition. This program meets the aspirations of students to become registered dieticians. (Transfer to other departments is also possible.)

4A path to becoming a registered dietitian following graduation from the Preparatory Course for the National Examination for Registered Dietitians for graduates of the Division of Food and Nutrition.

Practical experience as a dietitian following graduation enables eligibility to sit for the National Examination for Registered Dietitians. To strengthen cooperation with graduates and help more people play active roles as registered dietitians, we hold an examination preparatory course for graduates of the Division of Food and Nutrition. About 30 persons take the course every year, with the number of Division graduates who pass the examination exceeding the national average.

Employment and career support

Stages for active roles

  • Dietitians in nursery schools, hospitals, nursing homes, employee cafeterias, etc.
  • Food manufacturers, food distribution industry
  • Registered Dietitian (Following graduation, the examination may be taken after completion of 3 years of dietitian work experience. At the earliest, the examination can be taken in the 4th year following graduation.)
  • Transfer to the Department of Nutritional Sciences and to registered dietitian courses of other 4-year universities
  • Transfer to the Department of Food Management and the Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution

Licenses and qualifications that can be earned

  • Dietitian’s License
  • Qualification to take the Accredited Examination for Food Specialists
  • Qualification to take the Accredited Examination for Expert Food Specialists

Educational objectives

The Division of Food and Nutrition trains nutritionists who are able to contribute to health management matched to individual lifestyles in a graying society with a declining birthrate, through the acquisition of nutrition and cooking knowledge and skills that address every life stage. In addition, the Division fosters proactive, caring human resources equipped with sound sense and judgment as working adults, through the acquisition of wide-ranging education and ethics.

Three policies

Admission Policy

The Division seeks persons who are equipped with knowledge, skills, capabilities, sense of purpose, and ambition as follows, to develop dietitians who can play active roles in society.

  1. Persons who possess high school graduation-level liberal arts knowledge, skills, language skills, and scientific knowledge
  2. Persons who have strong ambition to acquire specialized knowledge and skills to become dietitians
  3. Persons who possess a cooperative nature and basic communication skills

Studies prior to admission

  1. Have preliminary knowledge concerning the outline of studies for becoming a dietitian, an overview of the work of dietitians, and the societal roles of dietitians.
  2. Actively engage in varied pre-admission education offered by the Division.

Curriculum Policy

The Division conducts classes that systematically organize liberal arts subjects, specialized subjects, etc. for the purpose of satisfying the educational content and number of credits prescribed by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and achieving the graduation certification and degree conferral policies of the University.

  1. Subjects are offered for cultivation of the liberal arts education and basic capabilities for working adults that junior college students should acquire.
  2. Subjects are offered related to basic and specialized knowledge and skills for dietitians.
  3. Developmental subjects are offered for the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to school meal management and nutritional guidance, to enable response to diverse circumstances as a dietitian.

Diploma Policy

The Division awards an Associate degree (Food and Nutrition Sciences) to persons who have completed the prescribed course and who have acquired qualities and abilities as follows.

  1. Have mastered the founding spirit of the University and the educational objectives of the department.
  2. Have acquired basic knowledge and skills as a dietitian, and the capabilities of a working adult.
  3. Have mastered practical capabilities, matched to varied circumstances, as a dietitian.